automotive aftermarket

Product Spotlight: Granatelli Motor Sports® 12v Electric Vacuum Pump Kit

Rev up your engines and buckle up, folks, because Granatelli Motorsports is unleashing the ultimate solution to your vacuum woes with their 12V Electric Vacuum Pump Kit! Picture this: you’ve got your hot rod sitting pretty in the garage, but you’re struggling with power brakes, wipers, or engine management issues due to vacuum deficiencies. Well, fear not, because Granatelli has your back with their state-of-the-art kit, designed to tackle these challenges head-on and turbocharge your ride’s performance.

Firewall Mayhem

Crankshaft trigger mechanisms have been used in racing applications for a considerable length of time. In truth, they’ve actually been in service for decades. It’s a simple known fact that one of the best ways to improve engine performance is to ensure that the ignition timing is stable. That’s the whole purpose behind such a system, and that’s why racers regularly use them.



Between 1984 and 2001, Daimler Chrysler built about two million eight hundred thousand Jeep Cherokees. They were built in several combinations—two and four door, two and four wheel drive and stick or automatic and with three different engines. The vehicle was not well received. In print they were tagged as being too long, too heavy, under powered, poor brakes , and worst of all—uni-body construction. Before every Tom, Dick and Mary had an SUV in the driveway, young families were getting to work, going to school and having weekend fun. Give credit to Jeep for introducing a lot of young people to off-roading thru the Cherokee line.

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