Installing a ’59 Impala Dash Into a ’56 Ford F-100.


Picture of  Warren Boughn

Warren Boughn

Story & Photography

We have shown you how to shave door handles, install custom outside door handles, round door corners, build suicide doors, add bear claw latches and so on. Now we’re going to offer you a personal favorite custom touch—installing a dash from a ’59-’60 Chevrolet Impala into a ’56 Ford F-100.

This how-to is intended to spark your interest, provide you with an idea and separate your truck from most of the others. It’s not a difficult swap, and you will find that car dashes that are from the same era as the truck lend themselves to this swap very well.

Follow along as we explore the custom install of a great-looking car dash in a truck.

1. This is how the Impala dash looked when we received it. Everything we need is here. The pieces that were missing were going to be discarded anyway, as we want the dash to be smooth in these areas.
47. With a little body filler and a coat of primer, your dash should come out looking something like this. Notice that the dash runs parallel with the back window opening. This is very important!


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