Hushmat® Wave Breaker

Hushmat® Wave Breaker

Wave Breaker solves a problem that exists in every speaker

The HushMat Wave Breaker sound deflecting pads are designed to eliminate the back wave created from your car’s speakers. Speakers create sound by simply moving air at specific frequencies. You are able to see speakers move the air when you see the mid-range cone of your speaker move when it is playing music. As the speaker creates sound going toward you, it also creates sound going backwards. This sound travels backwards and then typically bounces off the surface behind the speaker. When the waves hit that surface they then bounce back going toward to front of the speaker and you the listener. When the back wave bounces off the hard surface, it does not stay the same, but rather inverts.

Since, sound travels both above and below 0 it actually cancels the sound the speaker is making. For example, if that sound wave hits the surface at 1, it will bounce back at -1, thus being the inverse or opposite of the sound that first struck it and a net of 0 (1 + (-1)=0). When back wave travels back toward you, it is creating distortion and you are losing sound quality. These HushMat wave breaker pads absorb that back wave so that you can more crisp, clear highs and more defined mid-range sound. The sound difference is quite remarkable and you will definitely hear the difference.

Wave breaker can be used to treat standing wave or back wave in every speaker in your car, truck, boat, RV, office and home. Wave breaker is placed on the solid surface directly behind the speaker magnet and eliminates standing wave back wave from that speaker. Standing wave is created when the speaker cone moves in and out waves are created in two directions. The wave that moves out the front is called music. The wave that comes out the back of the speaker is called noise. This back wave reflects off the solid surface behind the speaker and bounces back to the front essentially throwing the speaker out of phase. When HushMat Wave Breaker is placed behind the speaker these back waves are absorbed and broken up in the wave breaker molecular structure. This prevents the bounce back and therefore prevents the distortion. Therefore you get all the music you paid for out of that speaker.

OEM Approved

HushMat is the only OEM specified and approved sound deadening & thermal insulating material available to the automotive aftermarket. It was introduced to automobile manufacturers in 1988, and was approved by General Motors and Chrysler for in vehicle production. HushMat is the only company that manufactures its own sound deadening material and specified for use by every automobile manufacturer in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Other brands in the marketplace are “manu-packaged” product. Their product is made in places such as Russia and China, then repackaged for sale in the United States. 

HushMat’s proprietary adhesive technology has not been replicated by any others in the market. With HushMat, surface prep is a synch. Simply vacuum up any loose dirt and debris and you’re ready for installation. Other brands require heavy duty surface prep with harsh chemicals such as Acetone or alcohol. There’s no need for protective gloves, goggles, or masks when you use HushMat, simply peel and stick. 

Learn more and watch this video featuring HushMat CEO and Founder Tim McCarthy and Clarence Barnes explain the HushMat Wave Breaker Kit’s details and benefits.

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(913) 599-2600

15032 W. 117th Street Olathe, Kansas 66062 USA

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