
IFS Install on Chevrolet C-10 Pickup Trucks (1960-1987)

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Sean Greene
Photography by Nick Chin
Why water? If you read HCI’s intercooler article in the April ’04 issue (“Chill Out,” p. 131), you know that water has a large capacity to retain heat. So when water is introduced into a hot environment, a percentage of heat is absorbed. This is effective when installed on an internal combustion engine, especially when it’s supercharged or turbocharged.
South Florida Performance (SFP) installed the Aquamist System 2s, which comes with a controller that is capable of adjusting the system at different rpms (2,000-9,000). It’s adjustable in 1,000rpm increments and has the option of 3D mapping when used with a MAP sensor. The owner of this ’03 Mitsubishi EVO VIII has intentions of pushing the envelope and eventually installing standalone engine management, so he wanted a system that would be fairly flexible.
The Aquamist system isn’t a power-adder like nitrous oxide, so if you are expecting to see a direct increase in power after installing this product you will be disappointed. However, your engine will be able to make more power because of it. Confused? Remember that water is being injected to help suppress the chances of detonation and with less detonation, you can turn the boost up higher or run more timing. Naturally, if you have access to good gas like 94 octane, you will be able to run more boost than someone will on 92 octane; but with the Aquamist you can squeeze out even more power.
It should be noted that the Aquamist system isn’t a substitute for an intercooler, but more like an add-on. Imagine combining this product with an intercooler and intercooler chiller such as the Nitrous Express N-tercooler. To increase the effectiveness of the Aquamist system, SFP opted to use a fifty-fifty mixture of methanol and water. Methanol has an octane rating of 113 that will increase the fuel quality and the cooling capacity of the water.
This product works on a wide variety of vehicles, both naturally aspirated and force-fed. The system will help reduce detonation; however, if your engine is detonating before you purchase this product, you should put your money into solving the problem first. The Aquamist will not make existing problems disappear.
440 Rutherford St.
Goleta, CA 93117
(888) 888-4079
South Florida Performance
18728 SW 107 Ave.
Miami, FL 33157
(305) 233-8520