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It Takes Time and Know-How

Dave Hill
Story & Photography
The Action Line C10 series, produced from 1967 to 1972, is one of the most popular of the classic era of Chevy trucks. They have been transformed into every form imaginable, from sweet shop trucks to double-throwdown showstoppers, from strip-burning quarter-pounders to boulder-flattening off-roaders, and certainly everything in between. We’ll long remember the days when a black ’70 stepside would pass you on the street, dumped low in the front with Americans all around, running fat rubber out back and sweet-sounding exhaust dumping out in front of the rear wheels. You just knew that guy had something trick in the garage at home, too.
Those were among the first pickups to begin the transition from work vehicles to daily drivers, and they are very likely responsible for today’s transportation picture, in which there are far more pickups sold than passenger cars. That probably happened because the missus got a kick out of driving and being seen in hubby’s cool stepside, which ignited the prettier peoples’ interest in owning their own trucks. If you didn’t have a C10 stepside back when they were readily available, you probably wanted one. We all know you want one now or you wouldn’t be reading this article. Unfortunately, unless you find one of those older gearheads who still has his black stepside, finding a decent C10 to build these days is not as easy as it was 25 or 30 years ago. These trucks are going on 50+ years old now, and since they were great drivers to begin with, they have a whole lot of miles on them. Probably the best way to buy one is if it’s been recently well restored. It will cost you a bundle, but you’ll be money ahead in the long run.
What we’re showing you here is either what to expect if you plan to do your own work, or what to look for and avoid if you don’t. If you are serious about finding the right C10, you’re going to have to be patient, determined and, above all, able to resist the impulse buy. If you find one locally, SAVE THIS ARTICLE, get the truck up on a lift, as we did, and go over it thoroughly. If you have to buy it sight unseen, or just from pictures, all you can go on is the owner’s “honest” description. Such was the case with our example here: a very nice-looking ’70 Fleetside found on eBay. It was the exact model that the new owner was looking for, and it had a “built” 350 with a B&M trans. The seller answered all the questions to the buyer’s satisfaction, so he decided that the risk was justified. The truck was located in the Midwest, requiring a $900 transport to California.
At first glance it looks like a winner, especially with the built engine and trans, the new wheels and tires, and the cleanliness and completeness. But appearances can be deceiving, very deceiving, so let’s have a closer look. Follow along and learn where and what to look for before you close the deal. Happy hunting!