Experienced Poker Runners Bring The Activity To The Mississippi Gulf Coast For The First Time

Picture of Larry Walton

Larry Walton

Words and Photos By Larry Walton

Boaters who traveled from as far away as Houston to participate in the first Smokin’ the Sound Poker Run were not disappointed.  They enjoyed excellent weather, great hospitality at all of the Poker Run stops and they got up close and personal with the best spectator venue on the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association circuit.

Because there were several who were experiencing their first Poker Run, the basics were outlined in a morning meeting.  Participating boats would each receive a card in a sealed envelope at each of the stops on the Poker Run route with the top three hands winning the prize money.

Safety got top billing at the captains’ meeting led by Poker Run Coordinator Jeff Eubanks of Texas Powerboat Association ( The meeting covered basic equipment requirements and each captain’s responsibility for his crew.  All boats had to meet or exceed U.S. Coast Guard requirements.

Eubanks gave special attention to the unique features of the local waterways on which the run would take place.  What looks like open water can be very shallow in the Back Bay and the Mississippi Sound, so diligence by the drivers to pay attention to the channel markers and the advice of the locals was stressed.

Part of the Poker Run route took participants over the OSS racecourse.  Several poker runners commented on how close to the spectators this race venue would be.  The parade of Poker Run boats in the channel between Deer Island and the mainland added to the anticipation of the race event.

Ed Shy took the first prize money of $2,500. The second place purse of $1,500 went to Kathy Morelas while Steve Kingsley took home $1,000 for third.

What did the performance boaters think of the Smokin’ the Sound event?  Everyone we talked to said they were planning to return with friends for next year’s Smokin’ the Sound. To learn more, CLICK HERE to check out their Facebook page.


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