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1958-1961 Factory Carb Listing

235, 283, 348, 409


Picture of Doug Marion

Doug Marion

Story & Photography

Okay, okay! After listening to oh so many of you, we are providing information you have been requesting, and perhaps searching for, for some time. That information is carburetor data, information that we used to take for granted but that has become more and more difficult to find of late. It seems that much of this data for numerous models and years has somehow slipped through the cracks. This could be mostly due to the age of the information, plus the fact that many of those applications are more rare today. We suppose there are numerous other reasons as to why this information has virtually dried up, so we present a basic listing here for the correct carburetor number for the respective engine application. 


Camaro and Chevelle data is generally more readily available than, say, that of the late-’50s and early-’60s, so this is especially relevant for big-car owners. Luckily for those with such interests, over the years we have managed to assemble this difficult-to-obtain information by rubbing elbows with those who had such information. Figuring that many of you would be searching for such information over time, we compiled the data for a later date. It seems there wasn’t much need for it at the time, as this information was no longer relevant because it was “past the 10-year rule,” or pertained to years no longer allowed in drag race competition.  

We hope you will bookmark this listing, and perhaps print it out and share it to keep it as a handy reference guide (in your glove compartment) to use at the swap meets you attend to help confirm the correctness of a carburetor or fuel injection on any ’58 -’61 Chevrolet or Corvette. 


235145Roch 1bbl 7012127Manual
235145Roch 1bbl 7011102Auto
283185Roch 2bbl 7012451Manual
283185Roch 2bbl 7012133Manual
283185Roch 2bbl 7012452Auto
283230Carter 4bbl 2669SAll
283230Roch 4bbl 7012128Auto
283245Carter 4bbl 2626S & 2613All
283250Roch F.I. 7014800Manual
283250Roch F.I. 7014900Manual
283270Carter 2626S & 2613SVette
283290Roch F.I. 7014800Manual
283290Roch F.I. 7014900Manual
348250Carter 4bbl 2657SManual
348250Carter 4bbl 2656SAuto
348250Roch   4bbl 7011108Auto
348265Carter 2657SManual
3482803 Roch 2bbl Frt/7011951All
348280Rr /7011953All
348300Carter 4bbl 2657SManual
3483153 Roch 2bbl Frt/7011951Manual
  Rr /7011952Manual


235135Roch 1bbl 7013003   Manual
235135Roch 2bbl 7013005   Manual
235135Roch 2bbl 7013953   Manual
235135Roch 2bbl 7013000    Auto
235135Roch 2bbl 7012502Auto
235135Roch 2bbl 7013956    Auto
283185Roch 2bbl 7013007   Manual
283185Roch 2bbl 7013008    Auto
283185Roch 2bbl 7013018    Auto
283185Roch 2bbl 7013082    Auto
283230Carter 4bbl 2818SAll
283230Roch 4bbl 7013004          All 
283230Roch 4bbl 7013005          All
283230Roch 4bbl 7013010          All
2832452 Carter 4bbl 2626S & 2627S VetteManual
283250Roch F.I. 7017200Manual
2832702 Carter 4bbl 2613S & 2614S VetteManual
283290Roch F.I. 7017250Manual
3482803  Roch 2bbl Frt/ 7013015  Manual
  Cntr/7013016 Auto
  Cntr/7013020     All
           Rr / 7013017     All
348305Carter AFB 2897SAuto
3483153 Roch 2bbl Frt/ 7013015All
  Cntr/7013016 Auto
  Rr / 7013017All
348320Carter AFB 2897SAll
3483353 Roch 2bbl/Frt/ 7013793Manual
  Rr / 7013975Manual


235135Roch 1bbl 7013003Manual
235135ROCH 1bbl 7013955 Econ.Manual
283170Roch 2bbl 7013007Manual
283170Roch 2bbl 7013008Auto
283230Roch 4bbl 7013004All
283230Roch 4bbl 7015004Auto
283230Roch 4bbl 7013010Auto & A/C
283230Roch 4bbl 7015010             Auto & A/C
283230Carter 4bbl 2818SManual
283230Carter 4bbl 3059SManual
2832452 Carter 2626S & 2627SVette
2832702 Carter 2613S & 2614SVette
283275Roch F.I. 7017310Vette
283315Roch F.I. 7017320Vette
348250Carter 4bbl 2817SManual
348250Carter 4bbl 3060SManual
348250Carter 4bbl 2816SAuto
348250Carter 4bbl 3061SAuto
348250Roch 4bbl 7013006Auto
3482803 Roch 2bbl/Frt/ 7013015All
  Cntr/ 7013020 
  Cntr/ 7013016        
348305Carter 4bbl 2897SAll
348305Carter 4bbl 3012SAuto
348320Carter 4bbl 2897SManual
348320Carter 4bbl 3012SManual
3483353 Roch 2bbl/Frt/ 7013973Manual
  Cntr/7013974      Manual
  Rr /7013975      Manual


235 135 Roch 1bbl 7013003 Manual
235 135 Roch 1bbl 7019000 Auto
283 170 Roch 2bbl 7019007 Manual
283 170 Roch 2bbl 7019008 Auto
283 230 Carter 4bbl 3059S Manual
283 230 Roch 4bbl  7019004 Auto
283 230 Roch 4bbl  7019014 Auto
283 245 2 Carter 2626S & 2627S Vette
283 270 2 Carter 2613S & 2614S Vette
283 270 2 Carter 3182S & 2614S Vette
283 275 Roch F.I. 7017310 Vette
283 315 Roch F.I. 7017320 Vette
348 250 Carter 3060S Manual
348 250 Carter 3061S Auto
348 250 Roch 7019006 Auto
348 280 3 Roch 2bbl/Frt/7013015 Manual
    Cntr/7013020 Manual
    Rr/7013017 Manual
    Cntr/7013016 Auto
348 305 Carter 4bbl 3012S All
348 305 Carter 4bbl 3221S All
348 340 Carter 4bbl 3012S All
348 350 3 Roch 2bbl/Frt/7013973 Manual
    Cntr/7013974 Manual
    Rr/7013975 Manual
409 360 Carter 4bbl 3270S Manual
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