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Ideas and Technical Information to Help most Showgoers


Picture of Andy Williamson

Andy Williamson

Words & Photography

Navigating the New Show Scene

SOMETIMES IT IS difficult to know exactly what to do when you arrive at a new show. The judges can be finicky and we all want to do the best that we can at any show we enter. This generally means that we must please the show judges as well as the spectators. It can be kind of hard to know exactly what to do—what’s in and what’s not. The show scene is constantly changing and if you are not clued into what’s going on, you could be passed over.

The Importance of Attention to Detail

Attention to the details is likely to remain supreme, such as how a car should be presented, as well as certain modifications and finishing that show judges examine. Any of this can be valuable information that, if put to use, may help you score dramatically better at a show.

101 Show-Winning Tech Tips

We have compiled 101 show-winning tech tips that will make it a bit easier on you when you are about to get ready for a show. There are certain things you should know, along with things that you should do to your car to grab the attention of show judges and competitors alike. Staring you in the face right now are tips that will take you to the next level. Enjoy these bad boys and we look forward to seeing you at the next show.

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